The training you need to build energy-efficient homes
Live Trainings
Join upcoming live events and webinars offered by BetterBuiltNW and our partners across the NW.
On-Demand Courses
BetterBuiltNW offers online trainings across a wide spectrum of building science topic areas and energy performance levels -- available anytime and at your own pace.
Access the BetterBuiltNW online training portal by logging into your existing account or creating a new account below.
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Top 10 Best Practices for Today's Homebuilder
Learn "Good, Better & Best" practices across ten approaches to quality home construction.

Building with Ducts Inside Conditioned Spaces
Analyze and apply six strategies for designing and building with ducts inside.

How to Cost Effectively Build Zero Energy Homes
Eliminate barriers and benefit from the rapid trend towards ZE construction.
Designation available: Zero Energy Professional

Sustainable Homes Professional (SHP)
Develop the technical expertise to design and build high performance homes.
Designation available: Sustainable Homes Professional
Energy Code
Visit the BetterBuiltNW partner websites linked below to gain valuable info and resources on how to meet and exceed code throughout the region.
Tools & Marketing Resources
Browse a wide variety of helpful resources for building and marketing high performance homes.
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