July 27, 2023

BetterBuiltNW July 2023 Newsletter


Discover the benefits of triple-pane windows

Triple-pane windows have come a long way in terms of technology, weight, and cost savings since entering the market in the 1990s. Read this article to learn more about the benefits of the new generation of triple-pane windows and why they’re a better substitution for standard double-pane products.

On-demand training prepares you for Washington State 2021 code editions

Watch and learn as Greg Lasher, Technical Advisor and Industry Liaison from BetterBuiltNW and TRC, compares the current code to the proposed 2021 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) before it takes effect. During 2021 WSEC-R: Market Trends, Builder Choices, and Resources, you’ll also receive resources to understand the new rules and hear example scenarios that met specific energy credit requirements.

Note: The 2021 WSEC is still in development. Therefore, information presented in this training may not reflect the final version of the code. Information presented in this training reflects the draft 2021 WSEC code as of May 2023 and the major move in this code cycle to integrate more energy credit options into the required base code.


Every month this section features must-read content from past newsletters – just in case you missed it. 

Programs in the News

Energy Vanguard: Cooling Load Variation with Changing Temperatures
Indoor and outdoor temperatures are among the factors considered when calculating the amount of cooling load a house experiences. Using inputs other than the design temperatures results in cooling load variation, but by how much? Get the answer and learn from real-life examples in this article from Energy Vanguard. Read the article.

Montana DEQ: Energy Code Compliance Best Practices Newsletter Summer 2023

Read these newsletter case studies from Whitehall and Lewiston, Montana to get an in-depth look at zero energy (ZE) homes that are growing in regional popularity. Readers will also find articles on federal tax credits and sizing solar photovoltaic systems. Learn more.

NW EcoBuilding Guild: Seeking Proposals for the Green Building Slam

The NW EcoBuilding Guild is accepting presentation proposals for the Northwest Green Building Slam. During the Slam, 10 presenters or teams will give 10-minute talks about a green building project or subject. There is no application fee; however, the applicant’s NW EcoBuilding Guild membership must be current and paid through Dec. 2022. Applications are due by 5 p.m., on Friday, Aug. 25. Click here to apply.

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