July 20, 2021

BetterBuilt NW July 2021 Newsletter


In Case You Missed It

Every month this section features must-read content from past newsletters – just in case you missed it.

Hot Water Solutions NW Saves on Energy

BetterBuiltNW is committed to sharing key resources that benefit builders and future homeowners. This month we are highlighting Hot Water Solutions NW. With electric water heaters accounting for 18% of the average home’s energy use, installing electric hybrid heat pump water heaters can reduce homeowners’ monthly energy bills by approximately $300 per year.

Hot Water Solutions NW provides helpful information on rebates for electric hybrid water heaters to lower the initial cost of investment, including information on tax credits. In addition to cost savings, electric hybrid water heaters use 60% less energy than a standard electric water heater, meaning a savings of roughly $3,500 over the life of the water heater.

Hot Water Solutions NW can help you determine if an electric hybrid water heater is the right fit for your next project. Find retailers, compare models, and discover available incentives and tax credits at the Hot Water Solutions NW website.

Programs in the News

Every month BetterBuiltNW highlights different programs in the news to keep builders and Raters/Verifiers informed about key updates, program changes, and features. This month’s Programs in the News features the following update:

  • NEEA’s Home Builders Market Research Report

NEEA’s Home Builders Market Research Report

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) contracted with Cadmus in the fall of 2020 to conduct market research with home builders across the Northwest. The study relied on in-depth telephone interviews and virtual focus groups, seeking to better understand current building practices and associated challenges.

Findings indicate that at-code builders often install above-code features in their homes even if they do not pursue certification. In addition, builders seek out building practices that go beyond code by incorporating above-code insulation, air sealing and high-efficiency HVAC. Additionally, many above-code builders work to educate their subcontractors and potential homebuyers about energy efficiency benefits. Read the full report on NEEA’s website.

On-Demand Trainings

Looking for easy-to-access training and continuing education units this busy summer season? Explore the new on-demand trainings on BetterBuiltNW’s website. BetterBuiltNW offers online trainings across a wide spectrum of building science topics and energy performance levels – available anytime and at your own pace. Not sure where to begin? Check out the latest trainings:

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