Snohomish County PUD Better Built Homes

  • Washington
  • New Construction Utility Programs

Our Better Built Homes program offers rebates to help offset the cost of building to above-code standards. Building to above-code standards provides a competitive advantage over homes built to minimum-code standards.


Additional Programs


Idaho Power Residential New Construction Pilot Program

Builders can earn a cash incen­tive to build ener­gy-effi­cient, sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes in Ida­ho Power’s ser­vice area. These homes must meet strict require­ments that make them at least 20 per­cent more…

Benton REA High-Performance New Home Incentive

This incen­tive goes to the builder of one or more homes that are built to save 10 per­cent or more ener­gy when com­pared to a home that is built to cur­rent code spec­i­fi­ca­tions. In order to receive this…

Pacific Power's WA Utility Program

Pacif­ic Pow­er offers builders cash incen­tives for includ­ing high-effi­cien­cy prod­ucts and fea­tures in new sin­gle-fam­i­ly and mul­ti­fam­i­ly homes. Stand out and show your com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty with homes…
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