Clark Public Utilities New Construction Program

  • Washington
  • New Construction Utility Programs

The New Homes Performance for Clark County program was introduced in October of 2017 and offers incentives to builders who increase the energy efficiency of newly built homes at least 10% above current Washington State Energy Code standards. Homebuyers have the opportunity to purchase a home from a participating builder that is constructing homes to this higher standard.


Additional Programs


Snohomish County PUD Better Built Homes

Our Bet­ter Built Homes pro­gram offers rebates to help off­set the cost of build­ing to above-code stan­dards. Build­ing to above-code stan­dards pro­vides a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage over homes built to…

Idaho Power Residential New Construction Pilot Program

Builders can earn a cash incen­tive to build ener­gy-effi­cient, sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes in Ida­ho Power’s ser­vice area. These homes must meet strict require­ments that make them at least 20 per­cent more…

Benton REA High-Performance New Home Incentive

This incen­tive goes to the builder of one or more homes that are built to save 10 per­cent or more ener­gy when com­pared to a home that is built to cur­rent code spec­i­fi­ca­tions. In order to receive this…
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