US Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Home

  • Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana
  • Home Certification Programs

A DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a high performance home which is so energy efficient, that a renewable energy system can offset all or most of its annual energy consumption. These award-winning homes are constructed by a select group of leading builders across the country and are independently certified to meet the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home guidelines. The program builds upon the comprehensive building science requirements of ENERGY STAR® for Homes Version 3, along with proven Building America innovations and best practices. Each ZERH home incorporates seven must-have systems:

  1. An optimized thermal protection system
  2. A whole-home water protection system
  3. A high-performance heating and cooling system
  4. High efficiency components
  5. Comprehensive indoor air quality
  6. Solar ready construction
  7. Enhanced quality assurance

Zero Energy Ready Home is the Home of the Future, available Today for a superior homeowner experience. That’s why it’s the home leading industry experts would choose for themselves.


Additional Programs

Oregon , Washington

Energy Performance Score

EPSTM, brought to you by Ener­gy Trust of Ore­gon, is an ener­gy per­for­mance score that rates the effi­cien­cy of a home and mea­sures it against sim­i­lar-sized homes in Ore­gon. With EPS, the low­er the…
Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana


PHIUS+ is a pas­sive build­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion that is com­mit­ted to mak­ing high-per­for­mance pas­sive build­ing the main­stream mar­ket standard…
Oregon , Washington

Environments for Living

The Envi­ron­ments For Liv­ing® pro­gram by Top­Build Home Ser­vices is a lead­ing, nation­al turn-key cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram designed to assist builders in con­struct­ing and mar­ket­ing homes uti­liz­ing the…
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