Environments for Living

  • Oregon , Washington
  • Home Certification Programs

The Environments For Living® program by TopBuild Home Services is a leading, national turn-key certification program designed to assist builders in constructing and marketing homes utilizing the principles of building science — homes that offer superior comfort, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and durability benefits, including limited guarantees on comfort and heating and cooling energy use.

There are now more than 100,000 homes across the United States that have been constructed by builders under the Environments For Living program. There are many energy- and green-building programs builders can choose from today. Here are a few reasons why so many have chosen ours:

Guaranteed. By providing your homeowners with TopBuild Home Services' limited guarantees* on comfort and heating and cooling energy use, you have not only a powerful marketing tool but a tangible promise from you to your homebuyers that you have committed to build your homes to a higher standard. *See the guarantee for complete details and limitations.

Flexibility. The Environments For Living program is performance based and product neutral. In other words, you're free to use any manufacturer whose products meet the program requirements. You also have the flexibility to customize the program to suit your homes, your local market, your local climate and your business needs. We're also compatible with other programs and can assist you in achieving other certifications and utility program incentives.

Choice. The Environments For Living program has several energy levels to choose from – Gold, Platinum, and Diamond – and a flagship level: the Environments For Living Certified Green program. You can select the program and energy level that best fits your needs; but no matter which you choose, we can help you deliver a home that goes beyond the ordinary.

Turn-key. We don't just provide you with a checklist. Our program was designed with the needs of all builders in mind, from custom builders to mid-size and large production builders. Builders want a program that delivers efficiency and economies of scale, backed by a professional organization. Our turn-key services include training, a national plan review center, and an extensive network for field certification and testing. We can even assist in identifying companies that can install products that meet the program requirements.


Additional Programs

Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana

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