Earth Advantage Certifications

  • Oregon , Washington
  • Home Certification Programs

Earth Advantage Home Certification is Earth Advantage’s high performance home certification standard for single family detached and attached homes. The program can help builders differentiate themselves while building more sustainable homes for a public increasingly interested in energy efficiency and healthier residences. The standard is based on achieving required points on a scoring sheet covering five categories -- energy efficiency, healthy indoor air quality, resource efficiency, environmental responsibility, and water conservation – earned over the course of two verification visits. Earth Advantage offers three levels certification: Silver, Gold, and Platinum, as well as the advanced Earth Advantage Zero Energy and Zero Energy Ready, Multifamily certification and the newly launched Remodel certification.


Additional Programs

Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana

ENERGY STAR Certified New Homes

The blue ENER­GY STAR label on a new home means it was designed and built to stan­dards well above most oth­er homes on the mar­ket today. …
Oregon , Washington , Idaho , Montana

US Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Home

A DOE Zero Ener­gy Ready Home is a high per­for­mance home which is so ener­gy effi­cient, that a renew­able ener­gy sys­tem can off­set all or most of its annu­al ener­gy consumption. …
Oregon , Washington

Energy Performance Score

EPSTM, brought to you by Ener­gy Trust of Ore­gon, is an ener­gy per­for­mance score that rates the effi­cien­cy of a home and mea­sures it against sim­i­lar-sized homes in Ore­gon. With EPS, the low­er the…
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