25 August, 2021
Online Training: ‘On The Level’ series on Air Tightness and Ventilation

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To view these trainings directly, use the links below.
Join Earth Advantage & BetterBuiltNW for a three-part training series on air barriers, indoor air quality, balanced ventilation & ERVs/HRVs.
NW Builders are continually looking to improve the air tightness and ventilation of their homes. At the same time, the OR & WA building codes were updated in 2021, leaving many wondering what the best opportunities are to make the jump in performance.
This 'On The Level' series has been designed to provide field-tested recommendations from building professionals and will cover tangible design principles and construction practices that can be integrated into your building process. The sessions also cover the new OR & WA code pathways so you can consider the benefits of these approaches and make well-informed decisions.
Previously offered as a live webinar series, we've now adapted these trainings to an on-demand online format. Participants are invited to attend one or more of up to three 1-hour 'On The Level' trainings, all presented on the BetterBuiltNW online training platform:
Exterior Air Barrier Details in the NW
Trainer: Josh Salinger, Birdsmouth Design-Build
Access this training >>
Balanced Ventilation Approaches for Healthy Indoor Air
Trainer: Stephen Aiguier, Green Hammer Design Build
Access this training >>
Installation Elements for ERVs & HRVs
Trainer: Bruce Sullivan, Base Zero LLC
Access this training >>
Read more about each of these individual trainings here.
This is essential info that every builder must know will help you keep pace with the building code trajectory, stay ahead of homebuyer expectations, and increase the energy efficiency, comfort and durability of the homes you're building.
Note: This online training series is one of the many components of the Sustainable Homes Professional (SHP) online training and accreditation program designed for the NW region. Join the SHP training and gain over 15+ hours of cutting edge design and building best practices that are critical to success in today's housing market.
Online courses available on-demand
Three trainings available; 1-hour each
On-demand training format consists of a series of 5-10 minute videos divided into sections. Users can start or stop their viewing at their own pace and easily resume the course at another time.
- AIA LU/HSW: 1 CE per training, 3 CEs total
- OR CCB: 1 CE per training, 3 CEs total
- BPI: .5 CE per training, 1.5 CEs total
- ICC: 0.1 CE per training, 0.3 CEs total
No cost (Regularly $29 each)
This training made possible thanks to BetterBuiltNW
Building industry professionals (builders, raters/verifiers, architects, subcontractors, utility representatives, and code officials)
Stephen Aiguier: Stephen founded Green Hammer in 2002, evolving the business into a full service design-build firm committed to advancing the highest standards for green building. An SHP, Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC), and building science expert, he has been a pioneer of Oregon’s green building movement and has been involved with many of the nation's highest scoring LEED Platinum Homes and first residential and commercial Passive House buildings in the Pacific NW. Stephen has been invited to speak at every major green building conference across the country and he has taught the SHP course annually since 2010.
Bruce Sullivan: Bruce operates Base Zero LLC to promote greater sustainability in residential construction through training, consulting and contractor services. He has been involved in energy efficient construction since 1983 and has been a primary training developer/instructor for Earth Advantage, Energy Trust of Oregon, BetterBuiltNW and EEBA. Bruce first taught the SHP program in 2008, and has since delivered it over a dozen times across Oregon. In 2006, Bruce built his personal home that earned the NAHB EnergyValue Housing and Green Building Awards. In 2015, Bruce completed construction on a new zero energy home.
Josh Salinger: Josh is Founder and CEO of Birdsmouth Design-Build located in Portland OR. In 2007, he started Birdsmouth with the goal of designing and building beautiful, high performing buildings that transform and improve the built environment. Josh sits on the board of Passive House NW and is an Earth Advantage SHP, EEBA Zero Energy Professional, and a PHIUS Certified Builder. Birdsmouth has recently earned Earth Advantage awards for Zero Energy Builder of the Year (2018), Lowest EPS of the Year (2018) & Custom Builder of the Year (2020).
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