20 June, 2024
Learn Strategies for Satisfying 2021 WSEC-R Additional Energy Efficiency Requirements with New Resource

2021 WSEC-R Energy Code Cookbook
The "2021 WSEC-R Energy Code Cookbook" by BetterBuiltNW is an essential guide for builders and designers of new single-family homes in Washington. This resource simplifies compliance with the 2021 Washington State Residential Energy Code (WSEC-R) Section R406: Additional Energy Efficiency Requirements by offering easy-to-follow "recipes" that cater to different home sizes and heating systems.
The Right Ingredients for Your Project
The 2021 WSEC-R Energy Code Cookbook helps demystify the complexities of the requirements by providing structured, practical solutions to help builders and designers of new single-family homes in Washington meet compliance standards. By organizing recipes by home size and mechanical system type, it ensures that you can quickly find the most applicable solutions for your specific project, streamlining the path to compliance.

Each recipe is crafted to optimize energy efficiency, enhance building performance, and ensure code compliance. By following these recipes, builders can achieve significant energy savings, improve indoor air quality, and potentially qualify for valuable incentives and tax credits. The Cookbook also includes a decision tree to help you identify the best energy-efficiency measures, based on your project’s characteristics, and simplify decision-making and implementation processes.

Support and Resources
Beyond the recipes, the Cookbook connects you with additional resources and training opportunities that align with specific recipe measures. It highlights the Code Compliance Calculator (C3), a free tool from Washington State University’s Energy Program, which aids in building designs and simplifies compliance documentation. Builders can also explore utility programs offering incentives for incorporating high-efficiency products, which can make it economically advantageous to adopt these best practices from the outset.
Stay Ahead with BetterBuiltNW
Staying updated on the latest code changes is crucial for staying competitive in the industry. This latest tool from BetterBuiltNW will give you the information you need to meet the code while building the most energy-efficient, high-quality homes for your clients.
Download your copy of the Cookbook today!
For more on the Washington State Energy Code updates, visit the BetterBuiltNW website.