High-Performance Windows
20 May, 2024
Hit Advanced State Energy Code Benchmarks and Build More Desirable Homes with High-Performance Windows

The outstanding energy efficiency of high-performance windows can help builders meet or exceed code in the Northwest. The 2023 Oregon Residential Specialty Code requires windows to have a U-Factor of 0.27, while the 2021 Washington State Energy Code mandates a minimum rating of U-0.30. Because both states’ codes require energy performance beyond the baseline, either through additional measures or energy credits, builders can rely on high-performance windows—such as ENERGY STAR®-certified triple-pane windows, which require U-0.22—to achieve and potentially go above code compliance.
Read this case study to learn why Washington builders, New Tradition Homes and Evergreen Homes, switched to using triple-pane windows in their projects. You'll also learn why both companies say this innovative technology as a win for customers and builders alike. Hint: It involves meeting code, payback, increased efficiency, and customer satisfaction.