21 February, 2017
Demystifying Home Certification Programs in the Northwest
Are you looking to differentiate your company's offerings to builders or potential home buyers? Home certification programs provide powerful brand recognition to increase your value in the new homes market, and support high quality building practices in your home communities. This presentation assembles representatives from active Northwest-based and national home certification programs, so you can build your knowledge on new trends in home certification programs and determine which best suit your company goals. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance will also share on a new initiative to support alignment across program data tracking and modeling protocols, making it easier for participants to engage with multiple programs and utilities.
Matt Christie moderating, TRC Energy Services
Neil Grigsby, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Leah Missik, MBA of King and Snohomish Counties, representing Built Green Washington
Rick Gazica, ICF International, representing ENERGY STAR Certified New Homes
Cameron Welch, CLEAResult, representing the Energy Trust of Oregon