

22 April, 2024

Consortium for Energy Efficiency: You Installed an Air Source Heat Pump. Now What?

Audience: New air source heat pump owners

This essential document is designed for contractors to share with their customers who have just installed a new air source heat pump. This document includes information about:

  • How heat pumps work
  • Getting to know the new system
  • Operating and maintenance tips
  • Understanding different heat pump modes
  • Troubleshooting the system
  • Frequently asked questions

This document is part of the ASHP Education & Guidance Project Phase II Deliverables (February 2024). All documents in this suite are the culmination of the two-year Air Source Heat Pump Education & Guidance Project business plan. Download the Air Source Heat Pump Decision Matrix and System Guide and other documents here.

CEE You Installed Now What2

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