

20 December, 2023

45L Tax Credit: What You Need to Know training now available On-Demand

Join BetterBuiltNW and Earth Advantage for an overview of what it takes to qualify for the different tax credit levels (single-family residential only), the important steps along the way, and where you can go to find support from qualified Raters and HVAC professionals.

Viewers will gain valuable information on the latest updates and clarifications provided on September 27, 2023, by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and ENERGY STAR program.

Qualifying for the 45L new homes tax credit is not an afterthought. It takes thoughtful planning and design to meet the program requirements and make the best use of everyone’s time and energy. But the rewards have been proven. High-performance homes with less risk, happy customers, fewer callbacks, and builder tax credits worth thousands of dollars per home!

BetterBuiltNW provides a deep dive into:

  • What it takes to qualify for the different single-family residential tax credit levels
  • The important steps along the way
  • Where to find support from qualified raters and HVAC professionals

To receive Continuing Education (CE) credits, log in through our website to access the course.

You can also watch the training recording on the BetterBuiltNW YouTube channel.

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