June 28, 2018
BetterBuiltNW Newsletter Q2 2018

You’re invited to Home Efficiency Forum 2018!
Home Efficiency Forum is designed specifically for professionals in the residential new home energy efficiency industry. This year’s event will take place October 11‒12 and is your chance to learn from and collaborate with your peers to shape the future of energy-efficient residential building. Join us in Boise to see current colleagues in person, make new connections and stay on the cutting edge of technology.
RESNET® Update: Northwest Homes Strive for Net Zero
RESNET® recently shared an exciting update: More than 2,000 homes built in 2017 obtained a HERS Index Score of 40 or less, which RESNET considers the threshold for net-zero-energy homes. Thirty-two of these impressive homes are in the Northwest!
PHIUS+ 2018: What’s New?
The PHIUS+ 2018 Pilot is now open for use. PHIUS developed the draft 2018 PHIUS+ Standard to more accurately reflect the nuance of project types and size across climate zones and the relationship between envelope and floor area. PHIUS+ 2018 is the first updated revision, and PHIUS will phase it in through 2018, eventually replacing PHIUS+ 2015.

Zero Energy Certified: Recognition for Four Northwest Homes
The International Living Future Institute (ILFI) recognized four Northwest homes as Zero Energy Certified at this year’s Living Future unConference in Portland. This prestigious certification requires participants to conduct a one-year post-occupancy monitoring assessment to demonstrate that their homes offset all energy use with renewables.
Read on for highlights on energy use and generation in these homes, and navigate to their ILFI case studies for a full rundown of their energy-efficient specifications.
Three BetterBuiltNW partners earned ENERGY STAR® 2018 Awards
The 2018 ENERGY STAR award winners lead their industries in the production and sale of energy-efficient products and services and in the development and adoption of strategies that provide substantial energy and money savings in the buildings where we live and work. Three BetterBuiltNW partners were recognized this year.
Open call for resources and tools
BetterBuiltNW.com is here to support energy-efficient homebuilding in the region, and we’re always looking for new resources to share. If there are tools or resources you find useful, send them our way. We’d love to share them with the community.