July 18, 2024

BetterBuiltNW July 2024 Newsletter


High-performance windows help homes go above baseline energy-efficiency standards

Indoor air quality and rising energy costs are growing concerns for homebuyers in the Northwest. Coupled with recent updates to energy code requirements in Oregon and Washington, builders are incorporating alternative strategies that improve envelope tightness to meet these needs. ENERGY STAR®-certified windows, for example, have many advantages that make them the right choice for new homes. Read our case study on high-performance windows to learn how it could benefit your builds.

How to mitigate heat transfer for better building efficiency

Poorly performing homes can lead to numerous issues, including high utility bills and thermal discomfort. Learn how to implement strategies that address these concerns, and discover practical tips to manage heat transfer and enhance energy efficiency from building-science experts. Discover tips and tricks to mitigate heat transfer.


Must-read content from past newsletters just in case you missed it. 

High-Performance Home News

Every month, BetterBuiltNW highlights news articles and other media to keep builders and Raters/verifiers informed about key industry updates, program changes, and other features.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Energy Vanguard


Zero Energy Project

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