Passive House Institute (PHI)

  • Oregon , Washington , Montana , Idaho , Nevada , Wyoming , California
  • BPA Zero Energy Ready New Multifamily Construction

The Passive House Institute (PHI) is an independent research institute, offering Passive House Classic, Plus, and Premium certifications. Passive House buildings are characterized by especially high levels of indoor comfort with minimum energy consumption. The Passive House Standard provides excellent cost-effectiveness, particularly in the case of new builds. Homes achieve Passive House Classic, Plus or Premium depending on the renewable primary energy demand and generation of renewable energy


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Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)

The PHIUS+2015 Pas­sive Build­ing Stan­dard released by Pas­sive House Insti­tute US (PHIUS) in 2015 is the first and only pas­sive build­ing stan­dard in the world based upon cli­mate-spe­cif­ic com­fort and…
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